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Mutual Fund & Annuity Databases

Over the past several years the amount of money flowing into mutual funds and annuities has increased dramatically. If your intent is to take advantage of this profitable market, Integrated Systems has a variety of targeted mutual fund and annuity investor prospects. Using a blend of different criteria, the prospects are suitable for growth, fixed income or tax-free mutual funds as well as annuities. Some of the most requested mutual fund and annuity investor leads are listed below.

New 2023 Email and/or Cell Phones Available on 75% of Records

Young Professionals



IRA Holders & Prospects

College Funding Prospects

Business Executives

Female Executives

Ethnic Investors

Annuity Investor Profiles

Millionaire Wealth Market Investors

Asset Allocation & Managed Money Prospects


And Many, Many, More...

Whether you are a financial representative with a major wire-house, regional broker-dealer or an independent firm, Integrated Systems a variety of targeted investor files that will help you generate activity and ultimately write more business.  Following are several of the most requested custom databases used for telephone solicitation and/or direct mail campaigns.

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