Investor Profiles
Whether you are a financial representative with a major wire-house, regional broker-dealer or an independent firm, Integrated Systems a variety of targeted investor files that will help you generate activity and ultimately write more business. Following are several of the most requested custom databases used for telephone solicitation and/or direct mail campaigns.
New 2023 Email and/or Cell Phones Available on 75% of Records
Affluent Seniors
Accredited Fixed Income Investors
Money in Motion/Rollover/Investor Prospects
Consults/Managed Money Prospects
Female Investors
Young Investor Prospects with Children
Wealth Market Prospects
Ethnic Prospects
Doctors at Home
Female-Single, Widowed or Divorced
Fixed or Variable Annuity Investors
College Savings 529 Plan-Young Married Families with Children
New Homeowners
These files are custom designed using investor models and are proven to be effective for prospecting. Certain alterations may be done to meet specific requests.